Good news for all critical patients recovered from covid 19. Telethon, together with the Emergency and Public Assistance Hospital, the Chilean Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, the Chilean Society of Respiratory Diseases, the Chilean Society of Sports Medicine and The Universidad del Desarrollo launched a free virtual rehabilitation platform for the entire community that has suffered the consequences of the coronavirus.
From this Thursday it will be possible to access through the website where you can find tutorials with all the information of the program and thus, through an individual registration, each person will be able to obtain a guideline of rehabilitation exercises according to the stage in which their post covid recovery.
Among the first users to participate in the program are 54-year-old Dalia Méndez, who was hospitalized in the critical patients unit of HUAP and was left with some physical sequelae as a result. “I found it very interesting, because all the things that happened in the video are sequels to what remains when you have been through this pandemic. So, it is very important, because we can take all these indications that they give us and put them into practice on a day-to-day basis. So I think it is very, at least for me, it is very important ”.
The tutorials are arranged by subject and complexity of the patient, for an easier and more comfortable use. Each patient will be able to access the platform prior to an online evaluation guideline. Among the topics will be found those related to respiratory sequelae, motor compromise, cognitive compromise, emotional compromise, speech and speech compromise, functional compromise, nutritional compromise and the subject of pain. Dr. Paola Riffo, leader of the rehabilitationpostcovid.cl platform and Teletón physiatrist, invited to know the free page and emphasized that “it is a page, easily accessible, that is aimed at all types of public, it is not necessary to be a patient of Telethon to be able to enter it and we hope it will be of great help ”.
