The Investigative Police (PDI) is investigating the murder of a 16-year-old teenager in the middle of a public thoroughfare in the commune of La Cisterna, in the south central sector of Santiago, an event that occurred this Thursday afternoon.
According to the first information, unknown persons got out of a vehicle at the intersection of Calle Tres and Sergio Ceppi, they struggled with the victim and shot him in the chest.
The same residents of the sector gave notice of the fact to Carabineros, who transferred the minor until the Barros Luco Hospital, in San Miguel, where he died.
“I heard a shot (…) I went out to see him and he was already on the ground. There were people who were assisting him. I called the ambulance, but they never arrived. In three or five minutes Paz Ciudadana arrived and they began to help him. Then the police arrived and took him to the hospital, “a neighbor told the press.
The police handle two hypotheses regarding the murder: that the victim is a pedestrian who was assaulted by his attackers or, the main thesis, the adolescent was traveling in the subjects’ car and was thrown into the street by them, starting a struggle.
Staff of the Homicide Brigade (BH) of the PDI is conducting the corresponding expert opinions to find the identity and whereabouts of those responsible.
The PDI investigates the murder of a minor under 16 years of age in La Cisterna. According to witnesses, the adolescent was thrown from a vehicle and later shot in the chest, minutes later he lost his life in the Barros Luco Hospital. #CooperativeInHome pic.twitter.com/Ix3j3ajdHd
– Felipe Cofré (@_felipecofre) October 30, 2020