The Covid-19 Social Survey in Homes with Children and Adolescents, applied between June and August by the Ministry of Social Development and Family, revealed that the 52.9 percent of households with minors in Chile perceive that they do not have enough money at the end of the month, an opinion that in the period “before” the epidemic reached 15 percent.
According to the survey, 66.1 percent of these family groups (more than 1.6 million) decreased your income in the midst of the coronavirus crisis.
As a result of this economic deprivation, the 67.7 percent of families with children postponed your medical visits or health treatments, the 58.3 percent reduced their spending on food, the 48.7 percent lowered their expenses in basic services and the 46.5 percent had to go into debt during the epidemic.
Meanwhile, the 20.4 percent of these households have faced food insecurity, the 12.8 percent stopped paying the dividend or lease, the 19.3 percent reduced spending on education and the 12.4 percent intend to make changes in their children’s education, as could be the change of school.
Furthermore, the survey indicates that three out of four families with children looked for other ways to get money, generating new income or going into debt, a figure that rises to 82.3 percent in those households in the poorest quintile in the country.
On the other hand, 46.8 percent of households with children received contributions in goods or money from the Government.
The mayor of La Granja and member of the Covid Social Table, Felipe Delpin (DC), president of the Health Commission of the Chilean Association of Municipalities (AChM), expressed concern about the levels of food insecurity: “We have higher income in health as a result of reaching a good agreement due to the increase in per capita, which means that we can develop health promotion programs for the community, including food care, as it is a great concern for all “.
The Minister of Social Development and Family, Karla Rubilar, accompanied by the Undersecretary of Social Evaluation, Alejandra Candia, and the mayor of Colina and president of the Association of Municipalities of Chile (Amuch), Mario Olavarría, carried out this Monday a balance on the progress of the information gathering in the field of the Casen Survey in Pandemic 2020, both in its pre-contact phase and in the process of surveys carried out.
In this version, the survey will focus on the measurement of income poverty, some indicators of multidimensional poverty deficiencies and the relationship of these measurements with priority groups of social policy.
Following the health emergency, the survey Casen had to move to a sequential mixed mode.
To have a better approach and build trust, a pre-contact stage with the households selected in the sample began on September 21, which will be carried out in compliance with all the health and safety protocols in place to protect the interviewers and respondents.
As of November 30 75.6 percent of the 103,030 households that are part of the sample selected for this survey had agreed to be part of this process, while the rejection rate at the national level is 3.5 percent and 20.9 percent of the sample continues in process.
The regions with the highest rejection rates are Antofagasta (7.4 percent) and Magallanes (5.4 percent), followed by Valparaíso (4.9 percent), O’Higgins (4.4 percent), Arica y Parinacota (4.0 percent), Metropolitana (3.6 percent) and Tarapacá (3.5 percent) ).
At the community level, Papudo (21 percent), Lo Prado (15.4 percent), Limache (13.5 percent), Coinco (13.3 percent), Pelarco (12.9 percent), Lo Barnechea (12.9 percent), Macul ( 11.3 percent), Graneros (11.2 percent), San Miguel (11 percent), Colina (10.8 percent), Antofagasta (10.3 percent) and Villa Alemana (10.2 percent) ) are those that present the highest rejection rates.
In relation to the study application process, which has already been going on for a month and It will run until January 31, as of December 1, 15,506 surveys in the country out of a total of 61,818 corresponding to the target sample, which is equivalent to 25.1 percent of the target sample.
“That is to say, We still need to reach the goal of having the pre-contacts to ensure that this Casen 2020 will be a robust and solid instrument that it will reflect well what is happening in Chile, “said Minister Rubilar.