This Wednesday the Supreme Court revoked and revoked 3 of 4 appeals for amparo filed in favor of immigrants expelled from the city of Iquique on February 10, those who would have entered the country through unauthorized steps.
It was during the past week that the Court of Appeals of Iquique ordered the revocation of these expulsion orders from the national territory decreed by the Executive.
However, the highest court was appealed, the one that revoked the resolution and gave the reason to the Executive Power.
Among the arguments of the 2nd Chamber of the Supreme Court is that the procedure and argument of the Ministry of the Interior is legal, that is, there was no action or omission that affected the personal or ambulatory freedom of foreigners.
In this regard, the Undersecretary of the Interior, Juan Francisco Galli, referred, who noted: “The Supreme Court expressly indicates that we have acted in accordance with our powers, in accordance with the Law and the Constitution and also, in compliance with the Immigration Law.”
“We believe it is especially relevant to communicate to foreign citizens that the way to enter our country is to do so regularly. Those who do it clandestinely risk their assets, risk their lives many times, but they also force Chile to initiate an expulsion process with respect to those people, ”he said.