Subject detained for rape in Coquimbo: held ex-partner kidnapped for four days


Carabineros del Retén Cerro del Vigía, dependent on the Second Police Station of Coquimbo, detained a man on Wednesday after his former partner reported him for injuries, threats and rape. According to the victim’s account, four days ago, the individual would have taken her under threat to her home, where he would have forced her to drink alcohol and have sexual relations, as well as beat her.

“Thanks to the rapid reaction of our police officers, this Wednesday morning a man was arrested in the upper part of Coquimbo, denounced for various crimes of violence against his former partner. After learning about the case, we immediately activated the protocols with the Ministry of Women and Sernameg, who are already providing all professional support and emotional support to the complainant. The man, meanwhile, will go to detention control ”, indicated the Commissioner of the Second Police Station, Captain Arturo Obregón, who was also responsible for the detention.

The woman -who would have managed to flee due to an oversight by the perpetrator- was essential to find the subject, as she guided the police through a video call to the place from which she had escaped.

“It was complex, since the house had no numbering, but we didn’t rest until we found the property. As Carabineros de Chile, we will continue working to eradicate gender violence and any type of aggression against women. Therefore, we reiterate the importance of reporting and resorting to the various means of support that currently exist. It is important that women know that they are not alone ”, added the officer.

For their part, the Seremi de la Mujer condemned the event. “It is an extremely serious situation that cannot remain in impunity. I have asked SernamEG for all the background information on the case and that they can contact the victim to give him all the support of our service and Ministry. I insist that it is a case that Justice It must investigate and that it cannot remain in impunity. As I will say, I reiterate the call to denounce and not to normalize this type of acts that have no justification, “said Ivon Guerra.
