A study conducted by the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso made known the routes and routes of the Transantiago more dangerous in the context of a pandemic, that is, where Conditions are conducive to the Covid-19 rating.
The analysis revealed that in the routes studied the possibility of keeping distance of one meter between passengers is non-existent, at least, 50% of the time during peak hours.
Route 107 (one way), which goes from Huechuraba a Departmental, is currently the least safe in a pandemic context: 72.2% of the time your passengers travel less than a meter away during high demand hours.
“Experts in epidemiology agree where the social distance of at least one meter is necessary to reduce the risk of contagion of Covid-19, but in public transport many times this is not fulfilled “, he explains Franco Basso, doctor in charge of the study and academic from the University of Valparaíso.
“To guarantee a safe trip it is necessary to increase the fleet, generate capacity control, and most importantly: extend peak hours, through staggered entry and exit to work“he added.
Other unsafe tours are the 712 (one way), which goes from Puente Alto to Recoleta, in which 69.6% passengers travel with less than one meter of distance; and the 514 (return), from La Florida to Pudahuel, in which 67.4% of passengers travel less than one meter away at rush hour.

“To guarantee a safe trip, it is necessary to increase the fleet, generate capacity control, and most importantly: extend peak hours“says the study