Strong reactions to an interview with Andrea Molina, candidate for mayor of Viña del Mar


The former deputy Andrea Molina, who represented inside the Valparaíso region between 2020 and 2018 by the current ruling party, she was interviewed this Saturday morning in CNN Chile in her capacity as sole candidate for mayor of Viña del Mar by the pact of Chile Come on.

The ex-model, ex-actress, ex-reader of the news and ex-host of television programs appears as the letter to replace the head of the Garden City to the UDI Virginia Reginato, councilor of that city between 1992 and 2004 and mayor since 2004, but who now can not reappoint and has already announced that she intends to be councilor again.

But Andrea Molina indicated to CNN Chile that although it rescues “the positive things that Coty Reginato has done in Viña, I I am Andrea Molina, I am another person, I have another DNA. And of course I have a way of looking at things where we can rescue everything that has been done well. But today other looks are needed for Viña and I come with a new management style “.

And delving into what she hopes to do if she becomes mayor of Viña del Mar, indicated that “Those who know me know that in the eight years that I was in Congress I characterized myself for supervising, and that is a fundamental issue in such a large commune and also within the municipality itself.”

The former parliamentarian -who came to the Chamber of Deputies without a military member in a political party, then he entered the UDI and now he is running for mayor of Viña del Mar as an independent- he was upset when in the interview he was reminded of his past in unionism.

“I am not in the UDI, I represent Chile Vamos as an independent,” said Andrea Molina, who wanted to be a senator and lost in the 2017 elections, and was also involved in a scandal when various media accused her and other parliamentarians of having accepted advisory reports with paragraphs copied verbatim from the internet or from books, without giving credit to the editor of the original source.

Earlier, in 2015, she was questioned when it was learned that she received 45 million pesos in a period of fifteen months for “locomotion expenses” due to her parliamentary work, which caused many doubts at the time.

His performance in this Saturday TV interview caused many recciones on Twitter, a social network in which his name was a trend this Saturday.
