Strong earthquake in Argentina is perceived in six regions of Chile


An earthquake was perceived tonight in the central area of ​​the country at 11:46 p.m. tonight.

According to Onemi, the telluric movement was perceived between the Atacama and Maule regions.

The National Seismological Center indicated that the magnitude of the earthquake was 6.5 degrees.

The epicenter was located 61 kilometers southwest of San Juan, Argentina. The hypocenter of the tremor was recorded at 4.6 kilometers deep.

According to data provided by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the earthquake had a magnitude of 6.4 degrees.

The Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Navy (Shoa) indicated that “the characteristics of the earthquake do not meet the necessary conditions to generate a tsunami on the coast of Chile.

Region: Atacama

Alto del Carmen: IV

Copiapó: III

Freirina: III

Huasco: II

Yellow Earth: III

Vallenar: III

Region: Coquimbo

Andacollo: III

Cinnamon: II

Combarbalá: IV

Coquimbo: III

Illapel: V

The Fig Tree: III

La Serena: IV

Los Vilos: II

Monte Patria: IV

Ovalle: III

Paiguano: V

Punithere: IV

Hurtado River: III

Salamanca: IV

Vicuña: V

Region: Valparaíso

Casablanca: III

Catemu: IV

The Tabo: IV

La Ligua: V

Quilpué: V

Saint Anthony: IV

Saint Philip: IV

Santa Maria: IV

Valparaíso: V

German Village: IV

Zapallar: V

Region: Metropolitan of Santiago

The Forest: IV

Florida: III

The Counts: IV

Macul: V

Maipú: III

Melipilla: V

Pedro Aguirre Cerda: IV

Peñalolén: IV

Providence: IV

Pudahuel: IV

High Bridge: II

Normal Farm: IV

Recoleta: II

San José de Maipo: V

Santiago: III

Region: Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins

Chepica: III

Lolol: III

Mostazal: IV

Peumo: III

Rancagua: IV

Santa Cruz: III

Region: Maule

Curicó: III

Pencahue: II

Scandalous, 3

Holy Family: II
