Strong criticism of the CP after announcing that the constituent process must “surround itself with mobilizations” | National


The report released by the Communist Party facing the constituent process, in which it raises the need to “surround with mass mobilization the development of the Constitutional Convention”. Sectors of both the Opposition and ChileVamos classified these statements as “undemocratic”, while the PC pointed out that what was expressed in the text is a “political metaphor.”

Controversy generated the report presented by the Communist Party in the framework of its XXVI National Congress, in whose 25 pages a series of observations on the country’s historical milestones was exposed, focusing on the constituent process.

This, after the need for “Surround the development of the Constitutional Convention with mass mobilization”, in order to counteract the influence of the right in the instance.

The leader DC, Fuad Chahín, described this idea as “undemocratic”, ensuring citizen participation should be institutionalized, instead of generating a phenomenon of “masses” that intimidate the convention.

The socialist senator, Rabindranath Quinteros, he lowered the profile of these statements and pointed out that what other parties may say should be left to their militants.

“The most important thing for the Socialist Party is that the constituents have the ability to capture what the citizens want. On the other, I leave it to its militants. I am not a member of the Communist Party ”, he declared.

In Chile Vamos, Senator UDI, Juan Antonio Coloma, highlighted the need to analyze what was stated by the PC, after considering it a “threat” where if you do not act as they intend, you will retaliate with mobilizations.

“It is unpresentable. They are the best reflection of the undemocratic sense of this party ”, indicated the union member.

For his part, the helmsman of the PC, the deputy William Teillier, he ruled out wanting to increase the incidence of the party in the constituency and added that what is being proposed is a “political metaphor.”

“It is to honor the people of Chile who with their struggle and demands have opened the way to this constitutional process. And what we say is that the people of Chile must continue to be a protagonist ”, specified the leader.

Likewise, in the text of the PC they insist that “a democratic condition is the participation of native peoples in the constituent process, through reserved seats.”
