Step by Step Plan: One in five Chileans will live in quarantined communes from this Thursday and almost seven million people in the RM will be in Transition


This Monday, the government made a series of announcements within the framework of the Step by Step Plan, which will imply that one in five Chileans They will live in communes under quarantine and almost seven million people in the RM will be in Transition, starting next Thursday, March 11 at 5 in the morning.

This means that next weekend more than 17 million inhabitants across the country will remain under the total quarantine measure. This, because Phase 2 establishes confinement during Saturdays and Sundays.

The health authorities also reported that 4,733 new cases of coronavirus were reported in the country and stated that there is a “worrying rise” in hospitalizations of children under 50 years of age in ICU.

As announced today by the Undersecretary of Health, Paula Daza, the following cities will go back to Transition: Monte Patria, in the Coquimbo Region; Santo Domingo, Cabildo and Calle Larga in the Valparaíso Region; Requinoa, Malloa and Santa Cruz in the O’Higgins Region; Negrete in the Biobío Region; and Lonquimay and Curacautin in the Region of La Araucanía.

While, Seven communes in the Metropolitan Region will also go to Phase 2 as of Thursday. They are Quilicura, Conchalí, Lo Espejo, Colina, Curacaví, Renca and Talagante. Thus, almost seven million people will be directly affected by the measure in the RM alone, which represents 83.35% of the total population in this area.

In addition, Daza reported that they will be under Total quarantine the cities of Salamanca, La Serena, Coquimbo and Vicuña in the Coquimbo Region; Valparaíso in the Valparaíso Region; Colbún and San Rafael in El Maule; Coelemu in the Ñuble Region; Arauco, Tomé and Lebu in the Biobío; Pitrufquén, Los Suces, Villarica and Cholchol in La Araucanía; Lago Ranco, Pailaco, Corral and Río Bueno, in the Los Ríos Region; Palena, Quemchi, San José de la Costa and Osorno in Los Lagos.

However, no commune in the Metropolitan Region will go into total confinement this week, a situation that has been maintained since November 15 of last year.

Despite the alarming increase in infections, there are communes throughout the country that managed to advance from phase in the framework of the Step by Step Plan, which will also happen next Thursday, March 11.

Huara, in the Tarapacá Region; Tocopilla, in the Antofagasta Region and Licantén, in El Maule, will come out of total confinement and will go to the Transition stage.

Meanwhile, María Elena in the Antofagasta Region; Diego de Almagro in Atacama; Papudo, in Valparaíso; Graneros, in O’Higgins; Hualañé and Empedrado in the Maule Region; Portezuelo in the Ñuble Region and Chaitén, in the Los Lagos Region, will advance to Transition.
