The changes will be effective from 05:00 on this April 3. Check all the details in T13.cl.
This Saturday, April 3, changes were registered in the Step by Step Plan, where 21 communes fell back out of phase as a result of the advance of the pandemic from coronavirus in Chile.
The changes were announced this Thursday in the daily balance of the Ministry of Health (Minsal).
In T13.cWe will detail which communes changed phase in the Step by Step Plan and, in addition, we explain what each phase consists of.
Two communes in the country became Transition (Phase 2), which means that neighbors can leave their homes from Monday to Friday, but holidays and weekends must comply with a mandatory confinement.
Nevertheless, 19 communes fell back to Quarantine (Phase 1), so the neighbors must comply with the mandatory confinement in their homes.
It is worth mentioning that all modifications in the Step by Step Plan entered into force froms 05:00 this Saturday, April 3.
They fell back to Transition (Phase 2):
In the O’Higgins Region: Marchihue.
In the Ñuble Region: Portezuelo.
They fell back to Quarantine (Phase 1):
In the Coquimbo Region: Paihuano.
In the Valparaíso Region: Papudo, Catemu, Santo Domingo and Quintero.
In the O’Higgins Region: Codegua.
In the Maule Region: Río Claro, Pelarco, Romeral, Cauquenes, Hualañé, Constitución and Longaví.
In the Ñuble Region: Cobquecura.
In the Biobío Region: Birth.
In the Region of La Araucanía: Nueva Imperial.
In the Los Lagos Region: Cochamó, Chonchi and Dalcahue.