A few days before the end of 2020, a true gift for astronomy lovers occurred. Jupiter and Saturn They will be the protagonists of tonight in a show in which the conjunction of both will captivate the world.
“In the terrestrial night sky, it looks as if these two planets are very close, but this is a visual effect that their orbits are meeting in such a way that they are aligned,” he explains. Teresa Paneque, astronomer from the University of Chile.
Despite the fact that the alignment of these two giants of the solar universe has been occurring since last October, the night of this december 21 was the climax, since both planets seemed to be one.
“For 800 years there has not been such a close conjunction. The next event with similar characteristics will occur in 300 or 400 years,” he says. Jose Maza, astronomer and National Prize for Exact Sciences.
“Belen star”
Since it occurs just before Christmas, the phenomenon has led to speculation about whether this would have been the same astronomical event that, according to the bible, led the Three Wise Men to Joseph, Mary and the newborn Jesus: the Belen star.
“The issue of being associated with Christmas is something proposed by Johannes Kepler, who points out that this giant star that points to a specific area could be the conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn,” says Paneque.
For his part, Professor Maza complements: “An accommodation has been sought that could have been a comet or a nova. I am inclined to think that the Star of Bethlehem it’s more of a metaphor“.
800 years without being seen at night
The conjunction of the night on December 21 was also a historical event, since 400 years ago Jupiter and Saturn had not been so close to each other. In addition, it will be the the first time after 800 years that the phenomenon will be seen at night.
For this reason, it will be seen almost everywhere in the world, although the best scenario will be for those who are on the equator, because from there it will be appreciated for a longer time.
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