Iquique – Commemoration of the Social Outbreak – Agencia UNO
The commemoration of the first anniversary of social outbreak in Chile took to the streets thousands of people throughout the country, registering demonstrations in different cities, such as Iquique, Coquimbo, Valparaiso Y Conception, among other.
With marches, batudacadas, flags and canvases, protesters displayed banners in favor of the I approve less than a week from constitutional plebiscite, along with other slogans such as “no more AFP” or in support of the feminist cause.
However, there were also different clashes with Carabinieri. From the institution they reported about him “launch of incendiary devices to supermarket and vandalization of a vehicle “in Iquique.
In Coquimbo, while, recorded the looting of a truck in the Route 5, where they also attacked a police vehicle that tried to stop the robbery. There was also a fireworks attack, while carabinieri officials used the water launcher car.
To the south, on the other hand, there were at least four detainees for disorder in Valdivia and in Temuco there were clashes with blunt objects against COP staff. Chillán, en route, did not record any incidents during the march of thousands of people who interrupted the traffic for a long time.
These are the postcards left by the first anniversary of the social outbreak in different cities of Chile:
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