“Social fighter” burned three Metro passengers on the way downtown with sulfuric acid


A subject carrying sulfuric acid among his belongings and that said substance was spilled at the Los Héroes station on Line 2 of the Santiago Metro on Friday will go to detention control this day.

The incident occurred after registering a spill of a corrosive material that – until that moment – was of unknown origin and that was in the backpack of a passenger who began to burn with the element and also managed to injure three other women that were transferred to the Central Post Office.

The subject, about 30 years old, was detained in the Metro and after expert reports from OS9 and Labocar de Carabineros it was determined that it was sulfuric acid that was transferred from the La Cisterna intermodal station and that in Los Héroes it was dropped due to the burns.

The Carabineros general, Alex Chavan, detailed that the acid was transferred in two half-liter bottles and that the substance “due to its powerfulness, began to eat away at and later goes to the clothes, this person starts to burn and at the Los Héroes station we get off and we find that there were three more people next to this person, while he was traveling in the Metro.

In addition, the official pointed out that “a boleadora, selectively chosen stones with a special diameter to cause damage to any part of the body, masks and gloves are found inside the backpack. We believe, through a hypothesis only, that this was heading to the march“in the center of Santiago.

According to the witness account collected by the Public Ministry, the subject classified himself as a “social fighter” and pointed out that he was addressing the demonstrations registered this Friday.

The prosecutor Felipe Olivarí He said that this “is a very serious element, a very serious crime, the possession of corrosive elements is sanctioned in the Weapons Law, has a penalty of three years and one days at 10 years and, in addition, the harmfulness of this liquid is He noticed why three people were injured: two people got burns and another person got allergic urticaria. “

The Public Ministry pointed out that the subject will be formalized by carrying corrosive elements -which has penalties ranging from three years to 10 years and one day- and the Government announced the presentation of complaints.

For his part, the Minister of the Interior, Rodrigo Delgado, he assured that “everything seems to indicate that this person was also heading to the demonstrations in the Alameda axis. It seems to me very serious that also some deep boleadoras, blunt elements are also associated with jars or bottles with sulfuric acid, that is, the truth that must be determined what was the final intention of this person to transport this type of elements “.
