Sochimi Report: Metropolitan Region reaches 93% occupancy of its ICU beds


The latest report of the Chilean Society of Intensive Medicine, which has the data updated until May 13, reveals that The level of ICU bed occupancy at the national level is 78% and in the Metropolitan Region, where more than 80% of new infections are being concentrated, it reached an occupancy level of 93%.

In fact, in the metropolitan area, according to these same data, until yesterday it only had 68 ICU beds available. When analyzing the figures in detail by the five Health Services of the Metropolitan area, it can be seen that they are all with an occupation of over 85%: Central with 97%, North with 97%, West with 93%, East with 87%, South with 88% and South East with 98%.

This could imply that none of the highly complex hospitals in the Metropolitan Region are complying with the standard set by the Ministry of Health. The health authority has stated that demand must be “balanced” and that no establishment exceeds 80% of its healthcare capacity, thus avoiding collapses in the health network. For this, what would be sought would be to use patient transfers from the capital to neighboring regions and mobilize hospitalized patients within the same Metropolitan Region. However the high level of occupancy could leave you without many options.

“Two weeks ago we saw a greater increase in the number of new cases -on average 8% and the previous 2 weeks was 2% – and the daily report of hospitalized patients, with an average of 5.6% in the last two weeks and of 2.2% in the previous two weeks “, Claudio Castillo, member of the board of the Horizonte Citizen Foundation and Coordinator of Clinical Fields USACH, explained, adding that “The same is true for patients on mechanical ventilation by COVID19, where the daily increase is 4%, whereas in the previous two weeks it had been only 0.3%, on average.”

According to the academic “these data show that decisions they are being taken late; the measures, such as quarantines, do not have an immediate effect, so the pressure on the integrated network will continue to increase ”.

As the scenario is complex, Minister Jaime Mañalich set as a goal that from here to Sunday for Salud to annex and reconvert just over 370 critical beds.

Those 370 places will be distributed on the public and private network, which is now centrally controlled by the Minsal Bed Management Unit. And at the national level, the strategy is not to go below the 600 free ICU hospitalization slots, at least in the area since Coquimbo to Biobío.

In this regard, Castillo specified that, Although ICU quotas have already been increased by 13% in the last two weeks, they will not be able to grow unlimitedly, because not only do you need a bed and a ventilator, but also a health team prepared to care for a critically ill patient. “

In parallel, from Salud the arrival of fans is accelerating. Today a plane is expected to arrive from China with 42 fans donated by companies from that country. There are also two others two compromised aircraft, one from China and one from the Netherlands, with over 200 fans in total.
