“I was puzzled, I felt a bit rude.” So commented the President of the Senate, Adriana Muñoz, what happened this morning in the courtyard of La Moneda, when he gave a statement to the press after the “coordination” meeting called by the President Sebastián Piñera with the powers of the State regarding the situation in the South Macrozone.
When the parliamentarian was preparing to speak, to criticize the possibility of militarization and a State of Siege in the area, the President of the Republic, the Minister of the Interior Rodrigo Delgado and the other authorities present (the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Diego Paulsen; from the Supreme Court, Guillermo Silva; and from the CDE, Juan Peribonio), proceeded to withdraw, leaving her alone.
“President Piñera knew that I was going to intervene because he asked who was going to speak and I told him that I was going to present my position and that it was different from his. Well, I started to make my press point and I realized that they left me alone, I felt a bit of discourtesy (…) There is some machismo ”, said the senator to The bewilderment.
The gesture prompted immediate political comments, which accused a slight by the President, a “macho attitude” but above all a contradiction in the actions of the president who, on the one hand, calls for dialogue and coordination, and on the other, he gives the back to the second authority of the Republic.
“Misogynistic and macho act”
For the Senator DC and presidential candidate of the party, Ximena Rincón, there was an “unacceptable treatment”. “All my solidarity for her It is a lack of respect towards a State power through a misogynistic act rarely seen, I hope the Government’s gesture and that they ask for a public apology,” he said.
Other presidential candidate of the Constituent Unit, Paula Narváez (PS)He argued that with these types of gestures “agreements or national unity are not built.” “The president @Senado_Chile, senator @_adrianamunoz, with great Republican stature, declares military intervention in Araucanía unacceptable and in response the President and his cabinet leave her speaking alone,” the former minister of Michelle Bachelet wrote on Twitter.
From the party of the president of the Senate, the presidential letter from PPD Heraldo Muñoz he joined in the criticism of the actions of La Moneda and recalled the words of the parliamentarian against the State of Siege that would have motivated the President’s attitude.
“I support Sen. Adriana Muñoz. Pdte Piñera and advisers turn their backs on her while she speaks, and then they leave. Surely because she expresses rejection of militarization and a state of siege in Araucanía, ”the former foreign minister tweeted.
Another political figure who spoke out was the former president of the Chamber of Deputies, Maya Fernández. “Lowness is what President Piñera did with the President of the Senate Adriana Muñoz. He shows his machismo and contempt ”, said the PS parliamentarian.
The Senators’ Declaration
In the Senate, the opposition committees issued a public statement, in which they expressed their rejection “of the disrespectful, unacceptable and unworthy treatment of his inauguration, which the President of the Senate, Adriana Muñoz, received today.”
“The attitude assumed by the Head of State, who does not listen and turns his back on the proposals made by the second authority of the Republic, contradicts his call for dialogue and the agreement that he formulated a few days ago,” says the signed statement by Rabindranath Quinteros (PS), Vice President of the Senate, and Senators Ximena Órdenes (PPD), Ximena Rincón (DC), José Miguel Insulza (PS), Carlos Bianchi (Partido País and Independiente) and Juan Ignacio Latorre (Democratic Revolution)
The senators add that “the government response has not been at the height of a republican behavior, it closes spaces for understanding, and incidentally, it also shows that it does not understand anything of what the citizenship expects regarding the treatment of women, even though we are ad portas of the commemoration of a new International Women’s Day ”.