During the night of this Wednesday, at 11:51 p.m., an earthquake of slight magnitude was recorded in the Coquimbo region.

In particular, the movement reached 4.4 degrees of magnitude, and was recorded 15 kilometers south of Illapel, about 48.6 km deep.

According to Onemi, the movement was also perceived in the Valparaíso region, as evidenced by the intensities on the Mercalli scale.

Coquimbo region

Cinnamon: IV
Combarbalá: III
Illapel: IV
Los Vilos: V
Monte Patria: III
Punished Here: IV
Salamanca: IV

Valparaíso region

Zapallar: III

However, no damage to people, alteration to basic services or infrastructure are reported as a result of this earthquake.