Sichel and Matthei start with an advantage, according to Cadem


The latest survey of Cadem Public Square, corresponding to the fourth week of December, and its special on the center-right primaries revealed that Sebastián Sichel and Evelyn Matthei start with a certain advantage in the race to be the presidential candidate of the sector.

Both the former president of BancoEstado (86%) and the mayor of Providencia (87%) had greater support compared to Joaquín Lavín (69%), Mario Desbordes (49%), Felipe Kast (55%) and José Antonio Kast (51%).

Read also: Senate table rejected statements by President Piñera on public security

In turn, in a week marked by the arrival of the first COVID-19 vaccines to the country, confidence in injections remains at moderate levels. Only 47% believe that inoculations effectively immunize whoever puts it, 42% who will have timely access and 41% who will be able to stop the pandemic.

45% of those surveyed state that they would be vaccinated as soon as it is available, 9 points more than last week. However, 33% declare that they would wait until later, mainly to be sure that the vaccine works and has no contraindications, while 22% affirm that they would not be vaccinated, for fear of having strange consequences or because they do not trust .

Read also: More than 8 thousand health workers have already been vaccinated against COVID-19

In this context, the approval of President Sebastián Piñera rose by 3 points and reached 17%, his best record of the month. Similarly, coronavirus management improved 6 points, reaching 43% this week.

See the full surveys here:
