Rehan Baig was sentenced to three years in prison – Reproduction

A scandal broke out in England after the case of a man who had sex with chickens and it was recorded by his wife in the basement of their house. The subject was imprisoned for three years, according to Crónica de Argentina.

Is about Rehan baig, 37, who in July 2019 was raided at his family home in Shepherd Street, Bradfort, where the records were found, after a complaint came to the English police.

Baig admitted charges for possessing “images indecent of children “, for possession of child pornography, crimes related to animals and charges of possession of controlled drugs, cocaine and cannabis.

His wife Haleema baig, meanwhile, will have a suspended sentence of six months, in addition to being in the registry of sex offenders for seven years, after making comments recorded on the videos “of sexual encouragement towards the accused“.


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