“Settle differences to regain power”: Alberto Fernández’s advice in a meeting with figures from the Chilean opposition


There were 9 senators, 11 deputies, 8 ex-ministers and ex-deputy secretaries, and 5 party presidents, some of the Chilean figures who participated this morning in a meeting – carried out by teleconference – called by the Chilean founders of the Puebla Group and in which they participated as a figure central the president of Argentina, Alberto Fernandez.

The event that sought to debate proposals to face the social crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic – which was organized by the former presidential candidate Marco Enriquez Ominami and the PRO president, Camilo Lagos; to which the senator’s ideas were added Alejandro Navarro; the deputy (PC) Karol Cariola; the former minister Carlos Ominami; and the senator José Miguel Insulza (PS) – It started after 10 am and the speaker at the beginning was the trans-Andean president.

Fernández made a speech that lasted approximately 18 minutes and said that he was very happy to see his “dear friend” Marco, and “friends” of the PS, the Christian Democrats and the PC gathered. “That is what Chile needs, to rejoin, to settle differences in order to regain power in favor of Chileans,” said the Argentine president during the virtual meeting.

The call of the Argentine head of state occurs just in a week where the Chilean opposition has been divided and has debated its role against the Sebastián Piñera government during the crisis caused by the coronavirus and after the social outbreak. In fact, former President Ricardo Lagos himself criticized the sector, an issue that was replicated by other figures from the center-left.

The Argentine president stressed that “unity” was the center-left’s greatest challenge. “And I want it to happen in Chile as it did in Argentina, and I want it to happen in all parts of Latin America so that we all have the tranquility of being able to govern in favor of the people and not against the people,” he added from the Quinta de Olivos.

The words of the Argentine president also occur a few days after he became involved in a controversy with the government of President Sebastián Piñera over the numbers of those infected with Covid-19. It all started when Fernández made a press point on April 10 to explain the extension of the total quarantine in his country and there he showed charts compared to Chile, where he argued why his strategy was better than that of the Chilean government. After this, a report by La Moneda was leaked in the trans-Andean press, questioning the alleged triumphalism of the Casa Rosada. The issue, at least publicly, seemed settled after a bilateral meeting – by videoconference – between the foreign ministers and ministers of health of both countries.

Meanwhile, the Argentine president maintained that the scenario is “conducive” to progressivism. “You will say ‘this guy went crazy’, but the reality is that the pandemic gives us a great opportunity for change, there are many things to review in each of our countries, to try to build a different world. Because the pandemic exposed the weakness of capitalism, as we have known it in recent years. “

“Suddenly, overnight companies that were worth fortunes became worth nothing, and that is why it happened. It did not happen because of someone’s bad investment, that happened because a microscopic being appeared that began to attack all of us equally, but which left capitalism without consumers. Then, suddenly, everything began to be worthless, because in a capitalist world where people cannot consume, the capitalist world faints and disappears. And it all happened due to the appearance of a microscopic subject that no one has seen, that no one knows who he has in his body, and we know that he kills many and sickens more, but that we know that he is capable of paralyzing the world economy ”, added.

At the appointment this morning, each of the participants contributed ideas – for approximately 3 minutes – about the challenges of Chilean progressivism in the face of the health, economic and social crisis that is being experienced and that will increase over the weeks.

In addition to those already mentioned in the event, the party presidents participated Álvaro Elizalde (PS), Jaime Mulet, (FRVS), Catalina Valenzuela (PH), Gael Yeomans (Social Convergence). Likewise, Senators Guido Girardi (PPD), Alejandro Guillier (Ind.), Francisco Huenchumilla (DC), Yasna Provoste (DC), Rabindranath Quinteros (PS), Ximena Ódenes (Ind.), Carlos Montes (PS). There were also deputies Camila Vallejo (PC), Maya Fernández (PS), Loreto Carvajal (PPD), Alejandra Sepúlveda (FRVS), Marcela Hernando (PR), Claudia Mix (Comunes), Esteban Velásquez (FRVS), Alexis Sepúlveda (PR ).

Among the former ministers were Laura Albornoz (DC), José Antonio Gómez (PR), Víctor Osorio (PRO), Claudia Pascual (PC), Natalia Riffo (Ind.) and other figures from the previous government such as the former Undersecretary of Telecommunications, Pedro Huichalaf (PPD), Harold Correa, the former chief of staff of Michelle Bachelet, among others.

Other international figures who are part of the Puebla Group, such as the former president of Brazil, also participated in the meeting. Dilma Rousseff and the former president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, who was in charge of closing the meeting.
