Servel clarifies how to vote in primaries this Sunday: more than 14 million people qualified | National


This Monday the Electoral Service (Servel) provided details for the primary elections for regional governors (gores) and mayors that will be held this next Sunday, November 29 throughout the national territory, also reiterating the information on the schedule and sanitary measures.

More of 14.4 million people are eligible to pay in this electoral process, in which the political parties that chose this mechanism participate to define their candidates for the next elections of gores and mayors in April 2021.

In total there are 4 electoral pacts that will be submitted to the process

A.- BROAD FRONT (GORES and MAYORS): made up of the Democratic Revolution (RD), Common, Social Convergence, Liberal Party of Chile (PL) and independent parties.

-B.- CONSTITUENT UNIT (GORES): made up of the Socialist Party (PS), Radical Party (PR), Party for Democracy (PPD), Christian Democratic Party (DC), Citizens, Progressive Party (PRO) and independents.

-C.- CHILE VAMOS (GORES and MAYORS): composed of the National Renovation (RN), Independent Democratic Union (UDI), Political Evolution (Evópoli), Independent Democratic Regionalist Party (PRI) and independents parties.

-D.- ECOLOGISTS AND INDEPENDENTS (GORES and MAYORS): formed by the Green Ecologist Party and independents.

In only 36 of the 346 communes of our country will legal primaries be held to define the candidates that some political parties will lead as mayors, while in all regions there will be conglomerates that will seek to define the ideal candidate for governor.

The director of the Servel, Raul GarciaHe explained that “with respect to the primaries of governors, of the 87 candidacies, 25% of them correspond to women. Independent in these primaries we have 21% of the candidates ”.

In the case of the mayors’ primaries, García added, there are 103 candidates of which “39% of them correspond to women” and 30% are independent.

How to vote?

The president of the Servel, Patricio santamaria, detailed that in the case of independent voters (13,909,835 people; 96% of the electoral roll), they will receive a single ballot that will show the candidacies of the four pacts that participate in the process. There will be two ballots in the case of one of the 36 communes where primaries for mayors are held.

In this context, he indicated that the voter should mark only one candidate per electoral card.

“The independents are going to receive an electoral card containing the different pacts that are in competition: they only have to mark a single preference … there are people who have asked us ‘Can I choose the candidates from different pacts?’, No .

Meanwhile, in the case of citizens affiliated with one of the political parties that participate in the primaries (560,715 people; 4% of the electoral roll) they will be given a different ballot, according to the pact that their political store integrates.

From the Servel they highlighted the importance of the primaries, remembering that the result of the election is bindingIn other words, whoever wins the primary is automatically registered as the covenant candidate, while those who lose will not be able to compete for the position.

It was also reiterated that the sanitary measures will be the same as those used during the Plebiscite, while the voting hours It will be more limited than on that occasion: from 08:00 to 18:00.
