Inter de Milan he continues with his great start in Serie A, because this Wednesday he beat Benevento by a landslide, with one of the Chileans present from minute Alexis Sanchez Y Arturo vidal.
The media that follow the day to day of the Lombard team made their typical ratings one by one after the game, where they highlighted the game of both nationals, although the most praised was the Boy Wonder, who along with the Moroccan Achraf Hakimi, were chosen as the best on the court.
“He dances on the ball, appears and disappears, also acts as an offensive midfielder and distributes chocolates to his teammates. He only misses the goal, which is close several times in the second half. But he is a sure player and his talent inevitably emerges” Passione Inter wrote about the former Arsenal.
While in Inter News they indicated about the tocopillano that “starts the game and confirms the good things shown in the match against Fiorentina. He does a wonderful duet with Hakimi, gives Lautaro a golden ball by dividing the Benevento rearguard into two. All he needs is the goal. “

Arturo Vidal left at the start of the second half – Getty
Vidal’s party
Meanwhile, Vidal did a good job in the middle of the field, but in the second half he was replaced after showing some physical problems.
“He plays the role of the midfielder perfectly. He goes up little, keeps the team high, easily traceable on the court and clean corridors, even in pressure situations. Too bad that the wrong goal of few steps, but his debut from the first minute leaves a lot of hope, minus his muscle problem
Likewise, Passione Inter pointed out about the former Barcelona that “a lot of substance in the middle of the field, several recovered balls that allow Inter to overturn the action. Vidal is not the best yet but the Chilean is on the right track. He limps in the second half.