The Investigation police investigates a robbery that affected dependencies of the Regional Ministerial Secretariat (Seremi) of Metropolitan Health during the early hours of this Sunday.
The robbery affected a property located in the Paseo Bulnes, a few blocks from La Moneda: “15 computers were stolen that were brand new, packed in their boxes”said the seremi Paula Labra, present in the place.
Others were also stolen “four computers in the administrative area that do not have sensitive information “said the authority.
Sunday🔵 Santiago. Brigade of the @PDI_CHILE investigates theft of computers in dependencies of the @SeremiSaludRM . It would be new equipment and also some recently formatted. They mainly contain information related to audits // @Cooperative pic.twitter.com/Q1MaGEkVHd
– Jean Claude Penjean (@JCPenjean) October 11, 2020
“There is no sensitive information that has been stolen”emphasized Labra, who said he regretted this “criminal act.”
“We believe it was (motivated by) a piece of information, given that we received 15 new computers,” he added, noting that, at the time of the robbery, “the guard was in another nearby building” also belonging to Seremi, which raises suspicions that the authors “had specific information.”
“Do not speculate”
The news generated concern amidst the controversy over the government’s handling of pandemic figures, after the Executive denied the Prosecutor’s Office access to emails from the former Minister of Health, Jaime Mañalich, and other Minsal officials, in the framework of the criminal investigation for the alleged misinformation of numbers of deaths from Covid-19.
Paula Labra denied that the four stolen administrative computers could contain data related to said cause: “Let’s try not to speculate. The theft of sensitive information is out of the question”, he reiterated.