Seremi de Salud de Valparaíso filed more than 20 complaints against young people who attended a party in Cachagua for giving false information


More than 20 complaints filed yesterday by the Valparaíso Health Ministry against young people who attended the clandestine parties in Cachagua, Zapallar, last week and that were viralized in social networks and widely criticized by the authorities.

This is how the seremi made it known Francisco Alvarez this morning on Radio Universo where he pointed out that since the investigation began to find those attending these events, there was very little information provided by young people. However, he indicated that after the announcement by Minister Enrique Paris and Undersecretary Paula Daza last Saturday to file complaints, “automatically the same young people began to deliver data. Others remained silent and that is totally serious because they are hiding with those who were there and for us from the point of view of epidemiological investigation, it is key to do quick traceability and to be able to isolate all people. ”

The seremi added that “a combination of the information that the field control already gave us has allowed us to have the complete puzzle of who are the affected people, but it also causes impotence that they do not understand that if they do not deliver the information they may even lose the life them or their loved ones ”.

Regarding the complaints presented, Álvarez explained that the crime that the prosecution was asked to investigate has to do with the delivery of incomplete or false information.

So, He clarified that more than 20 young people were denounced for this reason, but that the organizers – who are also under a sanitary summary – and two other people were reported for breaching the quarantine: “We went to their residence in Zapallar and we couldn’t find them, we coordinated with the Metropolitan Region and they went to their residences. Of those two young people, one was found and there is another who does not know if he is in Santiago or is here and clearly that person -Covid19 positive- risks sanctions not only from a health point of view, but also from a criminal point of view ”.

“The offense that young man is committing is much more serious and we are quite concerned,” he said.

The seremi referred, on the other hand, to the increase in cases in the fifth region. As he said, this is due to the relaxation of people in December with self-care measures.

In addition, he pointed out that clandestine parties -both in Zapallar, as in Cerro Alegre, Colliguay and El Sauce- have had an influence. “This does not stop, there are young people who do not want to pay attention.”

The complex situation, he argued, has been reflected in the fact that there has also been an increase in hospitalizations of young people and young people who need mechanical ventilation.

“Regarding the young people who are infected in Zapallar, at the moment we do not have any who are hospitalized, but that does not mean that there are not some who are on the verge. There are some that do present symptoms and there are some that if they continue to evolve unfavorably, they will require hospitalization, “he added.
