The spirits within the Socialist Party are not the best, after the Senator José Miguel Insulza will announce his departure from the PS Board of Directors noting that the main reason was the internal questions that it has suffered by voting in different decisions.
In conversation with Cooperativa, the former minister was critical of the internal management of the PS and the current role it plays in Chilean politics, considering that “it is a bit ridiculous” to be looking for agreements with the Broad Front.
“There is sympathy for the Socialist Party, but many people do not like the way the party acts because it acts very internally. Fundamentally, it seems that the internal battles, to which tendency, to which section or to which fraction you belong is more important than belonging to the party. A lot of time is spent on that and, at the same time, is this thing in my opinion wrong to be looking for an alliance almost desperately“Insulza noted.
Insulza assured that the PS “has a good relationship with the DC and the PR, and naturally we would like a unity of the entire left, but That does not mean that we have to go chasing, for example, the Broad Front, which has shown millions of times that it does not want to be with us, so this is a bit ridiculous “.
Along these lines, the senator assured that the PS is “Acting as a minority group in circumstances that we are the force of the majority; we are offering ourselves to be a comparsa“.