Sebastián Piñera quotes Ricardo Arjona when presenting the draft Law on Positive Aging


The President of the Republic resorted to a phrase by the Guatemalan singer-songwriter Ricardo Arjona when presenting the draft Positive Aging Law.

During the activity that took place this Thursday, Piñera highlighted the importance of the measures contemplated in the aforementioned bill in pursuit of the well-being of the elderly.

“For our better adults (sic) to have a better life. And a better life is not only more life, it is also a life with more fulfillment. Someone said that you not only have to add years to life, but also life to the years, “he said.

The President alluded to the phrase “give life to the years, which is better “than Arjona sings in the chorus of” Lady of the four decades “.

It should be noted that the Positive Aging Law basically establishes benefits in judicial matters and participation for older adults. Of the same Thus, it proposes strengthening the institutional framework in this area, creating an Interministerial Committee for the Elderly.
