In 2004, astronomers discovered the exoplanet Fomalhaut b, which mysteriously disappeared 10 years later in space, but now there are answers.
Fifteen years ago, NASA and ESA astronomers discovered a complete mystery in space. Thanks to measurements made by the Hubble telescope, they discovered the exoplanet Fomalhaut b.
Since then, scientists have been constantly monitoring the planet. Among the characteristics that attracted attention to this body was its special brightness.
Given this, experts were able to obtain photographs of Fomalhaut b. As a result of its strange form, astronomers were completely sure that this place contains many mysteries.
Space, exoplanet and reviews
Over the years, NASA experts continued to conduct research. However, in 2014 something happened that even they could not imagine.
From one moment to another, Fomalhaut b completely disappeared, and only rock remains and a cloud after the explosion could be observed in its place. This situation has caused more doubts than the answers of experts.
As a first hypothesis, astronomers suggested that there was no “planet” in the end. After analyzing the years of observations and recordings, experts noted that the glow does not emit infrared light.
This situation forced them to consider the case when he did not radiate this type of light, he could not be a planet. In this context, the first thing that was affected was that in fact the strong emitted light was the product of an explosion.
At this point in space, located 25 years from Earth, is the star Fomalhaut. Astronomers claimed that the alleged exoplanet was actually a collision of two small planets orbiting this star.
The secret is revealed
On the other hand, due to the more records they managed to get from Hubble, it was noted that the body did not follow in an elliptical orbit. Remember that this type of rotation on stars is the most common that can be seen in the Universe, where bodies follow the shape of an ellipse in order to complete the translation process.
Considering that the cloud was the result of a collision between both bodies, experts discovered a type of hyperbolic movement. This type of movement does not have a logic of displacement, and therefore the body can move to “infinity”.
As a result, the theory that they were actually observing a collision has strengthened in recent years. According to experts, the discovery of this type of phenomena in space is something extremely rare, and only Hubble was able to reach coincidence there.
The alleged planet has finally never been. Thanks to more recent observations, the researchers were able to study in detail the cloud of dust generated by the explosion.
In it, they were able to detect small particles of helium and dust, which predominate in large quantities in the environment.