Scientific magazine breaks 175 years of neutrality and announces which candidate it will support in the US | Technology


For the first time in its almost two centuries of life, the publication American scientist announced his support for the Democratic candidate for the White House, Joe biden, before the “denial” of President Donald Trump, who is running for re-election, to climate change.

In a scathing editorial, the monthly claims that he did not make the decision “lightly.”

After staying out of electoral processes for 175 years, this year “We were forced to do it.”

Trump “rejects the scientific evidence,” says the magazine founded in 1845, which published an article by Albert Einstein in 1950, in its editorial.

“The most devastating example is their dishonest and inept response to the covid-19 pandemic,” he adds.

“In his denial of reality, Trump has obstructed US preparations for climate change, falsely claiming that there is no such thing and withdrawing from international agreements aimed at mitigating” its impact, he stresses.

“He has also attacked environmental protection measures, health care, as well as researchers and public scientific agencies that are helping this country prepare for its greatest challenges.”he insists.

For all this, “we urge you to vote for Joe Biden, whose programs seek to protect our health, our economy and our environment,” he says.

The Democratic candidate fundamentally proposes to invest 2 billion dollars of federal funds for the environment and clean energy, in order to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.
