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Firefighters worked on the decontamination of a Primary Emergency Care Service of Huechuraba – in the Metropolitan region – for a man who ingested cyanide.
After consuming the item on public roads, the subject was transferred in a ambulance to SAPU Los Libertados, located on San Pedro de Atacama avenue, Putre corner, where the volunteers attended to activate the corresponding protocols.
Due to this, the health team had to be evacuated preventively for firefighters to develop the decontamination of the place, the ambulance and the man.

César Navarro, 1st Lieutenant of the Seventh Fire Department of Conchalí and Huechuraba, explained that they were found two kilos of the chemical element.
After receiving the first attention and being decontaminated, the man was transferred in good health until the San jose hospital.
Fortunately, no health professional was affected. What was affected was the attention of the enclosure, which operates until midnight, but had to close its doors for ventilation work.
The SAPU will resume service tomorrow in its usual hours.
Later, Firefighters had to carry out a decontamination operation at the San José Hospital, where the patient was referred, in order to guarantee chemical safety in the healthcare facility.