Santiago Municipal Council rejects project for Museum of Contemporary Art in Parque Forestal | National


Municipality of Santiago


The Municipal Council of Santiago, represented by the mayor Felipe Alessandri, councilors Alfredo Morgado, Irací Hassler, Leonel Herrera and José Francisco Salamanca, publicly showed their rejection of the new project for the Museum of Contemporary Art and expansion of the Forest park, which would affect -if it materializes- “seriously this important green lung.”

After reading a public statement, signed by the 10 councilors of Santiago, in which they disapprove of this initiative -which would imply the destruction of part of the park- Alessandri maintained that “This project was born dead, unaware of the bases.”

“We found out through a newspaper and there was no conversation with citizens or territorial organizations, therefore, it will not have municipal authorization,” he added.

The communal chief added that “we will continue to defend this centenary park just as we did at the time when they wanted to install a metro station in the eastern head and we managed to reach an agreement with Metro authorities so that this green area would be moved and not affected. It is over 110 years old and is protected as a heritage ”.

Finally, the mayor said he was aware that the MAC needs a new space and “that is why from the Municipality we are working on an alternative to transfer it to the post office building which is on the border of the Santiago and Central Station communes, it is also a property of the State that could host in a magnificent way the Museum of Contemporary Art ”.

It should be noted that the intervention to be carried out in the Forest Park for the new Museum of Contemporary Art, which has a cost of US $ 30 million, includes an underground building, the construction of an esplanade with a theater, parking lots and commercial premises, as well such as the expansion of the park to the banks of the Mapocho River, which includes the elimination of the Andrés Bello Waterfront.
