The Arturo Merino Benítez Airport announced restrictions for inter-regional flights (from Santiago to another city in the country) due to the regression of the Metropolitan region to Phase 2 (Transition) of the Step by Step plan.
Through its various social networks, the airport terminal reported that restrictions on trips that will start from next Thursday, same day the phase change materializes.
Specifically, from the Metropolitan region Air travel will only be allowed for reasons of force majeure previously established by the health authority.
-Return to home: Presenting a residence certificate delivered by the neighborhood council, plus a ticket in the name of the passenger of a home service where he is going.
-Working purposes: Presenting a work credential, in addition to the certificate from the Virtual Commissioner.
-Medical purposes: presenting permission of the Virtual Commissioner.
-Funeral of family member: presenting permission of Virtual Commissioner.
Regarding the movement to or from the airport, they reported that “during weekends, holidays and curfew, the passenger can move in duly authorized transport.”