SAE and erroneous evacuation: Government points to error of contracted company and defends work of Onemi | National


This Sunday, the Minister of the Interior, Rodrigo Delgado, referred to what happened this Saturday when a message of evacuation of the coastal zone, from the Emergency Alert System (SAE), reached millions of Chileans by mistake as a result of an earthquake in Antarctica.

Regarding this situation, which mistakenly generated evacuations in different sectors of the country, the minister said he regretted the situation, having met with Onemi, its director Ricardo Toro, and representatives of the company hired by the body that manages the messages of said system : Global System.

In that sense, Delgado announced that they are already investigating the events to determine exactly what happened.

In the first instance, he said, the error would not have been in the work of Onemi, since the message was correctly written by the official of said institution.

As explained by the minister, and also the director of Onemi, the error was precisely in the management of the external company that must take said alert message and send it to the respective servers so that they reach the corresponding cell phones.

It was in this last segment, according to the authorities, where the error occurred.

Meanwhile, Delgado recalled that the Emergency Alert System has worked very well in recent years, and more recently in the Quilpué fire, so that a single mistake should not mean losing total confidence in said system. “The system regularly works and works well,” he said.

Finally, the minister said that they will promptly determine the corresponding responsibilities; something that so far, according to the Secretary of State’s own words, would point to the contracted company.
