Rodrigo Mundaca and Aldo Valle, two “non-traditional” candidates for the Valparaíso Government


Two candidates who do not belong to “traditional politics” will be on the ballot on April 11, contesting the Valparaíso Regional Government.

Is about Rodrigo Mundaca, leader of the Modatima social movement, and of Aldo Valle, former rector of the University of Valparaíso, who triumphed in the primary elections of the Wide Front and of the pact Constituent Unit, respectively.

Mundaca, who gained notoriety in recent years at the head of the Defense Movement for access to Water, Land and protection of the Environment, triumphed by a wide margin: he achieved the 63 percent of the vote, leaving far behind Nataly Campusano (Social Convergence, 29 percent) Y Juan Carlos Pérez de Arce (Liberal Party 6 percent).

“Let it be the popular movements that give governance”

“I think it is extraordinarily challenging and unprecedented that a social movement is leading this process, because We are not part of the elitary consensus, the elitary pact; we are people“Mundaca said after his victory.

With this, he indicated, “an unprecedented path is marked, where a popular movement, apart from the elitary movement, builds and builds “.

“This is not embodied by a person. Behind us are all the socio-environmental movements and we have a tremendous responsibility: that the popular movements are the ones that give governance to the region, good governance, and a dignified life. In that we will be relentless“, he warned.

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Access to water, also a priority for Valle

Aldo valley it was rector of the University of Valparaíso between 2008 and 2020, And also vice president of the Council of Rectors of Chilean Universities (Cruch).

His triumph was narrow over the candidate of the DC, Cristián Mella: had 51.96 percent of the votes, and the Falangist 48.04 percent.

I was coming, somehow, to this area of ​​social action, which is contingent political action.. I have learned, but I have a lot to learn, and I congratulate Cristián Mella for its high percentage of votes, what I see as a contribution for the Constituent Unit to present itself with a better position on April 11 than if he had not obtained that number of votes“Valle said.

The academic also advanced some of his priorities in the case of being elected, which coincide in several points with those of Rodrigo Mundaca: “It will be very important for our Regional Government participation, transparency, representing social organizations as directly as we can “, said.

Valle also noted that “we have communes, provinces, that do not have access to water and that corresponds to a deficit in political management, not just nature. “

“We want the quickest solution to industrial pollution in Quintero and Puchuncaví,” he also said.
