During his visit to La Araucanía on Friday, Interior Minister Rodrigo Delgado experienced a tense moment. The Secretary of State was harshly faced when trying to enter the place where the farmer and UDI militant Orwal Casanova was being watched, who died on Thursday after receiving a bullet impact in the face, while he was outside his farm in the Selva Oscura sector of the commune of Victoria.
When he arrived at the place of the wake, Delgado began to greet the people who were at the entrance of the enclosure. At that moment, a man begins to face him, which was captured by the cameras of Meganoticias.
“It is a real offense that you do when you come here. What are you coming for? What is the minister coming for? We don’t want to see him,” the man evidently upset with Delgado’s presence in the place started telling him. “What the hell are you coming for ?! I’m not going to listen to you because you’re a shit,” he insisted.
“Okay, okay, calm down. But let’s talk,” replied the Interior Minister, to which the man continued with his annoyance towards Delgado. “I’m not going to let him in. If you go in I’m going to cover you, make it clear to you,” he warned.
“No, if I don’t need to talk to you, damn it. Nobody wants to talk to you,” replied the man who, before being reassured by another person present in the place, launched the following: “What are these shits here to do? Pure promises, pure lies. All their lives the same.”
“What the fuck did you come to”
After the first man who faced Delgado withdrew from the scene, the Interior Minister tried to talk to another present. “If the presence is uncomfortable, we do not want to cause any problems. Here we want to come to express our condolences, we do not want to generate any kind of inconvenience,” said the former mayor of Estación Central.
“If you felt something, come, but what the hell did you come to. Unfortunately I told the President, condolences are useless, but just act. Put your pants on, what is happening here is the fault of the Government. I told Sebastián. Piñera because I know him: put on your pants, “was the response Rodrigo Delgado received from the second man who faced him at the Orwal Casanova wake.