In the middle of a press point after the delivery of 20 armored police patrols to La Florida, the mayor of said commune, Rodolfo Carter, mounted a particular performance to refer to the issue of drug use in the country and its effects on the community .
In front of the cameras and in the presence of the Minister of the Interior, Rodrigo Delgado, and the general director of the Carabineros, Ricardo Yáñez, Mayor Carter took a whistle from one of his pockets and declared: “marijuana whistles do not kill anyone, the whistles fly. “
“What is really killing people is this,” he continued with his statements and took another object from his pocket: a white bag that pretended to be base paste. “General manager, just in case this is bicarbonate … it’s just a sample,” he clarified.
Returning to his argument, Carter affirmed that the base paste “is buying weapons in our populations, it is stealing our children from us, it is transforming children who should be in schools into soldiers of drug traffickers and criminals.”
“This is making millionaires and buying houses in the most affluent neighborhoods of Santiago, while the State is unable to solve it,” he added.
The communal chief of Florida went further and maintained that “today we are a country that has democracy, that has more economic progress, but drug traffickers do what they want in our populations. They laugh in our faces, they shoot up in the middle of the street, in all neighborhoods, not even in popular neighborhoods, in all neighborhoods as happened in some Latin American countries that we saw on television. Today it happens in our neighborhoods. “