The ex-president Ricardo Lagos Escobar (2000-2006) described as “inexplicable” the decision of the Government of Sebastián Piñera not to ratify the Escazú Agreement, considered the first environmental pact in Latin America.
Among the reasons given for rejecting the treaty, La Moneda alleges that it could “involve uncertain changes in Chilean” legislation, generate “legal uncertainty” and expose the country to “international disputes due to the direct application of its rules and their ambiguous nature “.
Through your Twitter account, Lagos said it is “Inexplicable the decision of President Piñera not to ratify the Escazú Agreement”, remembering that Chile for years led this “pioneering agreement on environmental matters.”
He also warned that with this decision the country “departs from active multilateralism on this issue, in which it has been an important actor.”
The decision of President Piñera is inexplicable @sebastianpinera of not ratifying the Escazú Agreement. For years, Chile led this pioneering agreement on environmental matters and, with this decision, it departs from active multilateralism on this issue, in which it has been an important actor.
– Ricardo Lagos E. (@RicardoLagos) September 23, 2020
Adopted in March 2018 in Escazú, Costa Rica, the Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean It is also the first global pact to contain specific provisions on the protection of environmental defenders.
Signed by 22 countries, the agreement, which among other objectives aims to strengthen environmental democracy, has 9 of the 11 ratifications it requires to become operational, and the deadline for signing it expires on September 26.
He President Piñera was one of the main promoters and negotiators of the treaty during his first term. (2010-2014) and encouraged other countries to ratify it until just a few months ago, when it changed its position.