Review the 20 communes with the most active cases of COVID-19 in the country – 24 Hours Data – 24 hours


Only three are from the RM: Review the 20 communes with the most active cases of COVID-19 in the country

The data was released in the latest epidemiological report published by the Ministry of Health this Saturday.

This Saturday the Ministry of Health published epidemiological report No. 58, in which they break down a series of data corresponding to the coronavirus in Chile, both at the country, regional and community level.

As reported in the report, until October 8 there have been 541,051 cases of COVID-19 in Chile (477,769 with laboratory confirmation and 63,282 without laboratory confirmation), with a cumulative incidence rate of 2,780.6 per 100,000 inhabitants.

The document also details the communes of the country with the most active cases. The one that widely leads the list is Punta Arenas, which currently has 1,371 active cases. They are followed by Arica (561), Puerto Montt (424) and Temuco (374).

In addition, it highlights that of the first 20, only three belong to the Metropolitan region: Puente Alto, Maipú and Las Condes.

You can check the complete list of the communes with the most active cases then:

1.- Punta Arenas (1,371)

2.- Arica (561)

3.- Puerto Montt (424)

4.- Temuco (374)

5.- High Bridge (367)

6.- Antofagasta (364)

7.- Talca (362)

8.- Osorno (337)

9.- Rancagua (270)

10.- Viña del Mar (265)

11.- Valparaíso (264)

12.- Conception (263)

13.- Maipú (255)

14.- Valdivia (240)

15.- Colonel (237)

16.- Iquique (221)

17.- Natales (204)

18.- Coyhaique (197)

19.- The Counts (185)

20.- Chillán (183)

