Return to face-to-face classes: 43 educational establishments nationwide have presented a symptomatic case of Covid-19


Four days after the 2021 school year officially began, a total of 43 educational establishments have submitted to date any symptomatic case of coronavirus in your school community. This was announced this morning by the Undersecretary of Education, Jorge Poblete.

As indicated, the current situation shows “That the protocols that have been developed and applied in schools are working”, since thanks to this they have been able to act early in the detection and isolation of cases and prevent further infections.

At the national level we already have around 3,800 Early Childhood Education and School Education establishments that have resumed some degree of face-to-face activities”, He expressed. “From those, there are already more than 1,200 establishments in the Metropolitan Region with some degree of presence ”.

In that sense, he indicated, today there are at the national level around 43 cases of schools that have manifested a symptomatic case, and of those, 18 are in the MRI

In all of them, he indicated, the protocols have been applied.

If it is necessary to temporarily suspend classes, it is done, and this is how we have acted. And we have closely followed the application of the protocols, “he said. “These protocols have worked and they are the ones that have made it possible to detect these cases and act early against them.”

This morning and in the context of the return to classes and the March Plan, the undersecretary Poblete together with the undersecretary of Public Health Paula Daza; the Seremi de Salud de la RM, Paula Labra; and the seremi of Education Ricardo Villegas presented the Active Case Search Plan designed for educational establishments, free testing strategy that will allow to identify asymptomatic people who can infect others in the school community.

These mobiles, as explained, will be located throughout the country in different parts of the city and also in educational establishments are concentrated in order to actively search for cases in the school community.

In this regard, Undersecretary Daza reiterated that in this pandemic, “the active search for cases is essential” in order to “detect asymptomatic cases” and stop the infections.

In the pages of the Health seremi it will be reported where these test mobiles will be, the schedules, so that “all the people of the school community are going to be tested,” he said.

“We cannot lower our arms because we continue to have a significant number of cases every day,” he added. “We call on people that when we return to our activities, they can be tested. It is essential to continue taking care of ourselves ”.

Besides this, he said, this is not the only strategy they have planned.

“Within the March Plan in schools too we are going to develop other strategies, such as active surveillance of cases and outbreaks and we are also going to have health teams in schools”, He indicated.

These crews will have the objective of educating the school community and remembering the importance of self-care measures, such as the use of a mask, frequent hand washing and physical distancing.
