Since the beginning of the inoculation process in Chile on December 24, 8,638 people have been vaccinated against covid-19, corresponding to officials from the first line of health.
According to a report published by Bloomberg, the country ranks 14th worldwide, also ranking first in South America and second in Latin America, after Mexico (10th).
Around the world, more than 10.3 million doses have been administered in 29 countries, with China, the United States and the United Kingdom being the territories that concentrate the largest number of vaccinated people.
“The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine has already been approved for use in North America, Europe, and the Middle East, and vaccination campaigns have started in at least 29 countries. This injection and Moderna’s vaccine were found to reduce infections by coronavirus by 95% in trials of tens of thousands of volunteers, “the company indicates its study.
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