Report 3 deaths and 53 new cases of covid-19 in the Coquimbo Region


Health authorities delivered a new health report this Saturday with the regional situation of the Coronavirus.

The health authorities reported 3 deaths and 53 new cases of Covid_19 in the Coquimbo region.

In this regard, the Seremi de Salud of the region, Alejandro García said “today we must report 3 people who died due to Covid_19, belonging to the communes of Ovalle, Coquimbo and La Serena, for which we send our sincere condolences to their families.

In addition, the Health Authority reported that the region reached 11,746 accumulated cases, of which 603 are active. In relation to the detail of new cases, he reported “8 correspond to La Serena, 21 from Coquimbo, 01 from Paihuano, 01 from Vicuña, 03 from Illapel, 01 from Canela, 01 from Salamanca, 08 from Ovalle, 03 from Monte Patria, 02 from Punitaqui, 02 from another region and 02 cases without notification in the epivigila system ”.

Finally, the Seremi García delivered a message to the community of the conurbation “For this weekend I want to reinforce the message of self-care, from Monday we entered phase 2, in the communes of La Serena and Coquimbo, therefore, we must be responsible and follow the preventive measures of Covid, “he said.

Assistance Network

Regarding the balance of the network, Dr. Alejandra Álvarez, Assistant Director of Assistance Management of the Coquimbo Health Service, highlighted the number of beds available. “Today our region has a total of 1,232 beds, of which 333 are available, which represents a general occupancy of 68%. In relation to the beds of the Critical Patient Units, we have 21 ICU beds, which are those with mechanical ventilators, and 18 ICUs ”, he pointed out.

In addition, the authority also reported the number of people who are hospitalized for Covid-19 in the region. “We have 80 patients hospitalized as a result of the virus, of which 32 are seriously ill and connected to mechanical ventilation: 12 of them in the Coquimbo Hospital, 9 in the La Serena Hospital, 2 in the Ovalle Hospital and 9 in the Hospital Contingency ”, he detailed.

Finally, the Assistant Director of Healthcare Management of the Coquimbo Health Service delivered the report of the health personnel affected by the virus. “Today we have 56 officials from the Health Service and 10 hospitals that have tested positive for the virus, and 35 are in preventive quarantine. While in Primary Health Care, 17 officials have tested positive for the virus and 26 remain in quarantine ”.

Coquimbo Region Balance

53 new cases.

11,746 accumulated cases.

603 active cases.

207 dead


• 08 La Serena

• 21 to Coquimbo

• 01 to Paihuano

• 01 to Vicuña

• 03 to Illapel

• 01 to cinnamon

• 01 to Salamanca

• 08 to Ovalle

• 03 to Monte Patria

• 02 in Punitaqui

• 02 to another region

• 02 without notification in the system


80 hospitalized patients, 32 on mechanical ventilation.

Sanitary Residences:

26% occupancy
