Red Alert declared in Valparaíso due to forest fire | National


This Friday afternoon the Valparaíso commune was declared a Red Alert for the forest fire called “Camino Melosilla” and that presents projection towards the Lago Peñuelas National Reserve. In parallel, another is being developed in the Placilla.

According to the information provided by the National Forestry Corporation (Conaf), it consumes an area to be confirmed of 1 hectare of pine, eucalyptus and native woodland.

In accordance with the above, the regional government, based on the technical information provided by Conaf and in coordination with the Onemi Regional Directorate, declares Red Alert for the Valparaíso commune, in force as of today and until the fire conditions warrant it.

With the declaration of the Red Alert, all the necessary and available resources will be mobilized, in additional support to what has already been deployed by Conaf, Firefighters and the National Civil Protection System. In this way, action will be taken to control the situation, given the extent and severity of the event.

1 technician, 6 brigades and 5 Conaf airplanes work at the site; Valparaíso and Carabineros firefighters.


Another sinister develops in the sector Placilla, in the Valparaíso region, which has consumed at least one hectare of grassland and scrubland.

Until now, the combat is maintained with the possibility of negative control, due to the difficulty generated by the terrain and the intensity of the flames.

The units of the Valparaíso Fire Department they went to the emergency and were dispatched to fight the forest fire.

There are at least 5 units that work with the help of the second fire commander, in addition to personnel from Conaf and the support of air operations.

The violent fire affects the upper part of Valparaíso, specifically the Placilla sector, in the so-called old road to Santiago on Route F-718.
