Rapunzel syndrome: teenager comes to the emergency room with a 19-inch ball of hair. in the stomach | Society


A strange situation faced doctors from the emergency department of the University Hospital of Nottingham, England, when a 17-year-old teenager arrived with a giant hairball inside the stomach.

The young woman acknowledged that she suffered from pain and was taken to the health center after suffer two faints who alerted his family, to later discover that he suffered from the so-called Rapunzel Syndrome, named after the famous princess with immensely long hair.

According to a report in the medical journal BMJ Case Reports, the patient had to undergo surgery to remove the set of hair that occupied almost the entire space of her stomach and measured 48 centimeters.

One of the health workers who treated the adolescent told the magazine that “it was so big that it formed a cast all over her stomach.”

Rapunzel Syndrome is about the knitting, defined by the National Library of Medicine of the United States as a disorder that leads people to pull their hair and pull it out, affecting even the eyebrows, eyelashes and body hair.

According to the diagnosis, the affected person also suffers trichophagia, a complication of the previous disease that leads people to ingest the hair that is pulled out and can lead to intestinal obstruction.

The young woman was hospitalized for a week and was discharged after a psychiatric consultation, which he continues to attend to avoid repeating the disorder.

According to the archive of the United States Library of Medicine, dependent on the corresponding Ministry of Health, This syndrome usually occurs in people who have emotional problems, anxiety or even a certain degree of cognitive deficit.

In many cases, the hairball extends from the stomach to the small intestine, where it generates a kind of tail. Its initial symptoms are abdominal pain and nausea, which can progress to tearing, obstruction of the stomach and intestines.

In more extreme cases, hairballs can accumulate with human or vegetable fibers, which are positioned in the gastrointestinal tract, causing severe discomfort in people.

A similar case occurred in 2019, when a girl under 14 years old was diagnosed with Rapunzel Syndrome in India and a 1.5 kilo hairball was removed. The affected woman had suffered stomach pains and vomiting. After a CT scan, the problem was identified that led to an operation that lasted three hours.
