Rafael Araos resigns from his position as head of the Department of Epidemiology of the Minsal


The Ministry of Health announced on Monday the resignation of the head of the portfolio’s Epidemiology Department, Rafael Araos.

Alejandra Pizarro, a surgeon at the Diego Portales University and a public health specialist at the Pontificia Universidad Católica, will take her place.

Although some voices from the Minsal point out that there would be communication problems between Araos and the cabinet of the Minister of Health, Enrique Paris, from the portfolio they clarify that the exit is due to the fact that he will now assume responsibilities strictly linked to Covid-19, such as the relationship with universities, technical organizations -such as ICOVID- or other international institutions related to the pandemic. In that sense, Araos in his work as head of Epidemiology should be in charge of all the diseases of mandatory notification, and in his new position as advisor he will be fully focused on the coronavirus. However, the decision took by surprise several officials of the distribution, who negatively evaluated as a sign of removing the chief of Epidemiology from his functions in the midst of a pandemic.

On May 23, Araos had assumed office. The 41-year-old doctor participated in the spokespersons regarding the country’s situation in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. Weeks before, he had published a tweet in which he disseminated a letter from the Covid-19 advisory Sub-table, where the signatories requested a greater inter-institutional connection to access data that would allow an in-depth analysis of the behavior of the coronavirus in the population.
