Reference photo – Agencia UNO

Airport Punta Arenas had to be evacuated this Wednesday, after the presence of two infected by coivd-19, who were trying to board a flight to the north of our country.

As reported by the Health Ministry of the Magallanes Region, Eduardo Castillo, two families had a positive member for coronavirus, so some were transferred to a health residence and a summary was opened for the other.

“In the first case it was a family that, upon arriving at the airport to travel to the north of the country, declared that received the results of their PCR tests, one of which was positive“Castillo said, so they were referred to a residence.

In the other case, “another family, with a member of them positive for coronavirus and who should be serving isolation, tried to board a flight to the north, being detected by the control personnel of the Seremi de Salud “.

The controversy occurred after the government and the health authorities will announce the vacation permits and the plan for the summer season, just when travel is in question, although abroad.

In Punta Arenas, 41 new cases were registered, while in the Magallanes Region a total of 52:


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