Puerto Montt, Iquique and Los Angeles top the ranking of communes with the most active cases according to the Minsal


The 80th Epidemiological Report of the Ministry of Health, published this Saturday with data until December 24, stated that in Chile there are 678,702 cases of covid-19, of which 595,831 have laboratory confirmation and 82,871 are probable and without confirmation of laboratory.

According to the report delivered twice a week by Minsal, the highest cumulative incidence rates per 100,000 inhabitants, considering laboratory-confirmed cases, are found in the Magallanes (10,059.3), Tarapacá (4657.3) and Metropolitan regions. (4386.7).

Meanwhile, the regions with the highest number of active cases are the Metropolitan (4,025), Biobío (3,056), Los Lagos (1,514) and La Araucanía (1,249).

As for the list of the main communes with the most active cases in the country, according to Minsal, it is led by Puerto Montt, Iquique and Los Angeles, with 566, 488 and 437 infected people, respectively. They are followed by Antofagasta, Punta Arenas and Concepción with 387, 385 and 370 cases, respectively.

In the Metropolitan Region, Puente Alto, with 344; Maipú, with 272, and Santiago with 259, are the communes with the highest number of active cases of covid-19. They are followed by La Florida, with 226; Las Condes, 174; Pudahuel, 155; San Bernardo, 139; Peñalolén, 126; Ñuñoa, 123, and Renca, 110.
