Puerto Montt, a focus of concern: DEIS report places it as the commune with the most active cases of Covid-19 and Paris asks the city for a “last effort”


The Ministry of Health published this Saturday the 68th Epidemiological Report prepared by the Department of Statistics and Health Information (DEIS), in which, in addition to revealing the number of infections between cases with laboratory confirmation and probable, it details region by region the progress of the communes in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Temuco – which led the list until the previous report – moved to second place, followed by Valdivia. This last city also had an increase in active positives (+38) in recent days, surpassing Punta Arenas. Osorno, Concepción, Los Angeles and Talcahuano also had increases in these figures, displacing Arica. But the concern is a little further south.

In the document published on the Minsal page, and in line with the concern expressed today by the head of the Health portfolio Enrique Paris, Puerto Montt once again positioned itself as the municipality with the most active infections nationwide. This situation had not been reported since last November 4.

According to the report, there are currently 28 communes nationwide that report more than one hundred positive cases and four of them are from the Metropolitan Region.

  1. Puerto Montt: 464 active cases
  2. Temuco: 448 active cases
  3. Valdivia: 374 active cases
  4. Punta Arenas: 359 active cases
  5. Osorno: 291 active cases
  6. Conception: 289 active cases
  7. Los Angeles: 265 active cases
  8. Talcahuano: 247 active cases
  9. Arica: 225 active cases
  10. Iquique: 224 active cases
  11. Chillán: 205 active cases
  12. Antofagasta: 193 active cases
  13. Valparaíso: 187 active cases
  14. San Pedro de la Paz: 174 active cases
  15. Puente Alto: 173 active cases
  16. Viña del Mar: 143 active cases
  17. Colonel: 137 active cases
  18. Maipú: 134 active cases
  19. Talca: 131 active cases
  20. Rancagua: 121 active cases
  21. Father Las Casas: 116 active cases
  22. Hualpén: 113 active cases
  23. Santiago: 110 active cases
  24. Natal: 110 active cases
  25. Calbuco: 109 active cases
  26. Alto Hospicio: 105 active cases
  27. Chiguayante: 105 active cases
  28. Florida: 102 active cases

The largest number of active cases is still concentrated in the south of the country, however, the Metropolitan Region has the highest number of active infections (2,337), the regions that follow in number belong to that area: Biobío (1,895); Los Lagos (1,496) and La Araucanía (1,177).

The highest cumulative incidence rates per 100,000 inhabitants, according to laboratory-confirmed cases, are found in Magallanes (8,048.2), MRI (4,154.6) and Arica and Parinacota (4,086.3).

On the other hand, according to Epidemiological Report number 68, until November 12, Chile accumulated 599,533 cases of Covid-19 (528,030 with laboratory confirmation and 71,503 probable, without laboratory confirmation), with a rate of 3,081.1 infected per 100,000 population.

Dr. Paris, today in charge of the Minsal, asked the Los Lagos Region, and especially the Puerto Montt commune, which, in addition, has already been in quarantine for more than 100 days, “make one last effort”, recognizing the complications mainly economic benefits for the population.

The head of the Ministry of Health announced that there will be reinforcements in sanitary aspects in order to collaborate so that the area can end the confinement, but maintaining precautions and avoiding the increase in infections.

“We are going to bring two mobile teams to increase the number of tests, we are going to strengthen support for primary care. My chief of staff went to Puerto Montt yesterday, he met with the mayor and different authorities, we will continue to support them and we hope, God willing, that by the end of next week they can come out of quarantine, “he said during the balance of the pandemic this morning.

Paris said he was “aware” of the social and economic problems that an extensive quarantine brings and insisted that the Government has made efforts to accompany Chileans in the face of this. In any case, due to the situation in the Region and, particularly in the communes of Osorno and Puerto Montt, he insisted that “it is a risk to come out of quarantine if we have high viral circulation, it is a risk that hospitals collapse, it is a risk That risks mortality and increases the occupation of ICU beds, we also have to see from that point of view “.

“This is a very difficult balance to manage and we have to do it together among all, that is why not only the Ministry of Health works on this, other ministries work, such as the Ministry of Women and Gender Equity, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Labor, Social Development, we all have to collaborate in order to move forward, “declared Paris.

The DEIS also made the 22nd Weekly Death Report available to the public where it is reported that, as of November 4, 2020, there were 14,777 deaths with a confirmed PCR test and 5,005 probable deaths – pending confirmation or discard of contagion by Covid -19-.

Health estimated a total of 19,782 deceased people, between confirmed and probable cases, by Covid-19 in Chile.

According to the same report, the Metropolitan remains the region with the highest adjusted mortality rate per 100,000 inhabitants, 108.99. They are followed by Antofagasta (97.27) and Magallanes (72.76).

On the other hand, the regions with the lowest rate are Aysén (9.63) and Los Ríos (10.25), followed by Los Lagos (19.66), Ñuble (20.78) and La Araucanía (21.00).

The national mortality rate, meanwhile, stands at 63.57, considering confirmed and probable deaths from Covid-19.
