A total of 33 new cases of covid-19 They were notified in the province of Bío Bío, after a new balance from the Government.

According to the report of the Seremi de Salud del Bío Bío delivered this Saturday, Los Angeles reported 12 new infections, with 448 accumulated and 99 contagious.

For his part, Mulchén registered 7 new cases, having 259 accumulated and 71 contagious; while Nacimiento had 5 new infections reaching 229 accumulated cases, with 27 people capable of transmitting the disease to others.

Also, the commune of Cabrero presented 4 new cases, reaching an accumulated 206 infections, of which 23 are contagious.

In this line, only one new case was reported by the communes of Laja, Yumbel and Quilaco. The first has 194 accumulated and 4 contagious; the second accumulates 246 cases and 3 contagious while the third, presents 29 accumulated and 3 capable of infecting others.

Of the communes that did not present new cases, Alto Bío Bío reports 174 accumulated cases and 2 contagious; Negrete with 177 accumulated and 14 contagious; Santa Bárbara with 192 accumulated and 9 contagious; Tucapel with 166 accumulated and 3 contagious; San Rosendo with 26 accumulated and 2 contagious and finally Quillecom that reports 85 accumulated and 7 capable of infecting others.