Protected Parenting Law: more than 3,300 workers have a suspended contract to care for their children | Economy


Within the framework of Protected Parenting Law3,360 parents in Chile requested the suspension of their employment contracts in order to take care of their children.

In detail, it is a regulation that establishes benefits for those who are making use of the parental postnatal leave or have the personal care of children of preschool age born from the year 2013.

Mothers, fathers and caregivers of children can benefit from the Protected Parenting Law as long as they are affiliated with the Unemployment InsuranceFurthermore, the nursery, kindergarten or school that the minor attends must be temporarily closed due to the covid-19 pandemic.

The procedure for the parental postnatal extension must be requested at the Social Security Superintendency (Suseso).

Likewise, the worker must comply with the requirements of the Employment Protection Law during the period of validity and the employer, for his part, has to facilitate the management and not refuse it.

According to a balance delivered by the Superintendency of Pensions (SP), 3,360 workers who are fathers, mothers or caregivers applied this statute.

Of them, only 174 are men.

Of the total, (3,360) 2,200 registered residence in the Metropolitan region, 180 in Bío Bío, 172 in the Valparaíso region and 153 in La Araucanía.

In addition, of that total, 3,302 had an indefinite employment contract.

By economic sector, the majority (1,033) belong to the commercial sector, according to the data provided by the SP.
