Prosecutor’s Office points to ex-partner as the author of the student crime


The disappearance and later the discovery of the lifeless body of the student María Isabel Pávez Zamora (22) caused a commotion. A campaign to find her, which had been started a few days ago on social networks by her colleagues and obstetrics professors at the Diego Portales University, ended in the worst way. The Twitter account of the Eastern Prosecutor’s Office confirmed on Thursday 24, a few hours before the Christmas celebrations, that the case that was initially classified as an alleged misfortune was now transformed into an investigation for femicide.

Immediately the PDI was given an absolute reserve order so that the proceedings would allow the perpetrator of this crime to be found. During the first hours, after the discovery, it emerged that the victim had allegedly contacted a subject whom he had met on a dating app and that after that his family had lost track of him. However, today the prosecutor Marjorie Carrillo clarified that the statements and expert opinions show as the main suspect of this murder of his ex-partner Igor Yaroslav González González, of Mexican nationality, who until the closing of this edition was a fugitive.

“On December 23, it was established that the young woman was in an apartment, in a bedroom, without life. Thanks to all the diligences carried out, the statements taken and also the fact that the body was found at the home of his ex-partner with whom he had a sentimental relationship seven years ago, Igor González of Mexican nationality, the 14th Guarantee Court was requested to be will issue an arrest warrant against him, “said the researcher through a video.

Little is known about the suspect. He lived in an apartment on Calle San Pablo at the height of 1800. More people lived inside the compound who, when questioned, did not remember well the identity of the accused, because – according to what they said – he used to use nicknames. In fact, sources of the investigation maintain that there is no record of his entry into the country, which is why he is in an irregular immigration situation, which has made his search more complex, since there would be no photos of him. The first proceedings reveal that Pávez’s death date would be about four or five days and that the perpetrator of this crime would have inflicted a 15-centimeter neck injury, which would have immediately caused his death, although the details provided by the SML autopsy.

More about Case of María Isabel Pávez
  • Prosecutor's Office points to ex-partner as the author of the student crime
    Prosecutor’s Office points to ex-partner as the author of the student crime

Today the body of the young woman was delivered to her mother, Lorena Zamora, who along with her family watched over her at her home in La Florida. The proceedings carried out by the woman, say sources in the case, were key. The last time he saw María Isabel was on Thursday the 17th, as he has told various media, and that that same day they contacted each other and the young woman would have told him that her cell phone was bad. Zamora then transferred money to him to buy one, but he never heard from his daughter again. ANDOn Sunday 20 he made the complaint, which allowed the PDI to intercept telephones that would help him establish the student’s location.

This is how on Wednesday the 23rd the police arrived at Igor González’s apartment, in Santiago Centro, who was no longer in place. Upon entering the property, the investigators found the young woman in a closet with no signs of life. According to the figures produced by the Chilean Network Against Violence against Women, Pávez became the 55th victim of femicide so far this year.

It was joined by another crime on Christmas night. This is Elsa Janet Muñoz Santana (40), who was murdered by her partner, Iván Yáñez Sepúlveda, who after stabbing her and to hide her crime then set fire to the property they shared in the Miraflores Alto sector of the Viña del Mar commune. His detention was applied pending expert reports.
