After updating the forecast of the air quality for this Sunday, the Seremi de Medio Ambiente decided to raise a alert in the Great Conception that prohibits the emission of visible fumes.
According to what was reported by the incumbent in the region, Mario Delannays, the alert, based on particulate matter 2.5 -which is the finest and most dangerous- is of a mid-range episode, so they determined to have the restriction between 18:00 hours and 00:00 this Saturday. Measure to be replicated on Sunday.
The prohibition polygon is all the Concepción province, except Santa Juana and Florida. That is, Tomé, Penco, Concepción, Hualpén, Chiguayante, Talcahuano, San Pedro de la Paz, Hualqui, Coronel and Lota.
Regarding what is meant by visible fumes, he clarified that it is not that you cannot use a stove, but that it is aimed at the use of wet firewood.
Those who use the pellet as a heating method would also have no problems since it has a 90% efficiency.
Among the measures contemplated in the Decontamination Plan is to control those who sell firewood.
Therefore, among the recommendations is to prefer non-polluting heating; use dry firewood (less than 25% humidity, distributed by established commercials; and perform maintenance to heating.
They are exempt from paralyzing their activities:
– Boilers used in real estate projects, with a district heating system.
– Boilers that certify emissions with concentrations less than or equal to 25 mg / m3N of particulate material.
– Laboratories for measuring wood-burning heaters and laboratories authorized as Technical Entities for Environmental Inspection.
– Boilers and furnaces that use a gaseous fuel, with a content less than or equal to 50 ppmv of sulfur on episode days. To demonstrate the above, the owner must submit to the Superintendency of the Environment, during the month of January of each year, a report that accounts for such conditions.
– Boilers and furnaces that, due to safety, environmental and / or technological conditions, cannot paralyze on episode days. To do this, they must submit to the Seremi del Medio Ambiente, a proposal for an Operational Adjustment Plan to reduce their emissions for the duration of the Critical Episodes Management (GEC) period, according to the deadlines set forth in article 80 of the Metropolitan Conception PPDA.